Cover Stories

A Dangerous Strategy of Communal Divide

The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has consistently leveraged communal sentiments to consolidate its voter base.

Fr. Gaurav Nair Fr. Gaurav Nair
09 Sep 2024

Bulldozer Justice and Mob Lynching: A Blatant Violation of the Rule of Law Continues

Despite BJP's 2024 election setback, violence by cow vigilantes and demolitions targeting Muslims have increased.

Jacob Peenikaparambil Jacob Peenikaparambil
09 Sep 2024


In India, the troubling trend wherein authorities use bulldozers to destroy homes, businesses, and other structures connected to people accused of crimes without following the proper legal procedures

Dr. John Singarayar Dr. John Singarayar
09 Sep 2024

The recent incident of a student being shot after being mistaken for a cow smuggler shows the dangers of cow vigilantism.

Aakash Aakash
09 Sep 2024

I was the secretary of St. Thomas Mar Thoma Church, Karol Bagh, New Delhi, when I invited the late Fr. John Vallamattom, founder of "Indian Currents", to give a speech on December 6, 1992.

A. J. Philip A. J. Philip
09 Sep 2024

Abdul Ghafoor Noorani passed away, leaving behind a legacy of critical writings on constitutionalism, sectarian violence, and political issues in India.

John Dayal John Dayal
09 Sep 2024

More policies do not ensure better safety for women, as crimes persist despite numerous laws.

George Plathottam George Plathottam
09 Sep 2024

Public universities will need to uphold equity, critical thinking, and autonomy if we are to combat growing social inequalities.

G Ramachandram G Ramachandram
09 Sep 2024

The Right to Education (RTE) Act, enacted in 2009, mandates free and compulsory education for children aged 6 to 14.

Peter Mundackal Peter Mundackal
09 Sep 2024

Corruption, party-hopping, and dishonesty have become normalised in India.

P. A. Chacko P. A. Chacko
09 Sep 2024

The RSS is attempting to rewrite history by claiming that caste divisions in India were caused by Muslim invasions and British colonisation while praising the caste system as a protector of Hindu soci

Ram Puniyani Ram Puniyani
09 Sep 2024

The first thing that happens when there is violence or rioting today is to shut down the internet.

Robert Clements Robert Clements
09 Sep 2024