On July 5, it will be one year since Stan Swamy, one of the noblest souls of Indian Church whose heart bled for the Tribals, Dalits and poor
One year ago, on 5 July 2021, when Father Stan Swamy was called to his eternal reward, the world mourned the death of a prophet! ‘Stan’
One of the biggest missions of Stan Swamy was to establish the rights of the Adivasis over land, water, and forest
The values enshrined in the Bible and the ideology propagated by the RSS are worlds apart. It is absurd to say that there is a meeting point between them.
What could be the message of Fr. Stan Swamy to the Indian Church on his first death anniversary?
How many of us are ready to walk the extra mile and walk the talk?
BJP used techniques it tried successfully in states like Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Goa and Meghalaya to come to power.
Technically, the President has a lot of power. Whosoever occupies the position can scuttle the ulterior motives of those who enjoy unbridled power.
Intended to curb misleading advertisements and protect the consumers who may be exploited or affected by such advertisements
And that morning of July 5th in a hospital in Mumbai, a voice spoke, “You’re free Stan!â€