The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a clear case of blatant violation of international conventions to which the former is a party. The man behind this bellicosity is none else but Vladimir Putin who has become Russian President for life (practically till 2036). His scant regard for UN Charter and other treaties has undermined the territorial integrity of Ukraine; his invasion has gone against the commitment not to use force against any state as stated in the resolution of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) which was signed in Putin’s presence as recently as 2021. By throwing to winds every canon in these covenants, Putin is apparently pushing forward to realise his unrealistic ambition of making a Soviet empire as it existed before December 26, 1991when the USSR got dissolved. His pronouncement that Russia and Ukraine are inseparable has to be seen in this context. His recognition to two regions of Ukraine as autonomous regions is nothing less than creating states pliable to him.
In one of the ugliest and brutal forms of human rights violations, Russian forces are targeting civilian settlements in Ukraine. The sight of missiles pounding sky-rise apartments in Kyiv and other cities makes one numb. Putin’s contention that he is doing it in self-defense is atrocious as there is nothing to suggest that Russia was under attack from Ukraine. Neither there is proof to show that Ukraine indulged in any form of inhuman act or genocide within the country which could have prompted Russia to come to the rescue of the victims. On the other hand, it is the Russian attacks reportedly using cluster and vacuum bombs that is causing destruction and devastation in its neighbouring country. Hence the Russian invasion of Ukraine is built on lies and a hidden agenda.
The world seems to have realized the recklessness and illegality of the Russian invasion as is seen in the UN Security Council voting. Out of 15 members, 11 of them steadfastly supported the resolution condemning Russian invasion. India, along with China and UAE, abstained from voting. Once again, India abstained from voting when the UN General Assembly voted overwhelming (141 of 193 member countries) for a resolution deploring Russia’s invasion and calling for the immediate withdrawal of its forces. India’s decision to abstain from the voting has come under criticism from some quarters. Instead of siding with the victim, India is seen ‘backing’ the aggressor.
In the context of deepening crisis and increasing human casualties, Pope Francis’ exhortation carries much weight when he said: “Let the weapons fall silent. God is with those who seek peace, not those resorting to violence.” In a strongly worded appeal, he stated: “I repeat: put down your weapons. God is with the peacemakers not those who use violence.” The Pope drew the attention of the world to the dire straits of the victims of war and called for humanitarian corridors to be opened to allow Ukranians to flee the intense fighting. In an unusual gesture, deviating from diplomatic protocol, Pope Francis went to the Russian Embassy to Vatican to meet Moscow’s Ambassador and conveyed his concern over the situation. Getting to the negotiation table seems to be the right path to reach a lasting solution.