We are shaped, fashioned and perfected by what we see, hear, sense in our day-to-day life. It is very much applicable in the younger days. A child picks up the patterns of the parents and other siblings. Younger minds are significantly curious to learn new ways. In today’s world of electronic gadgets, like mobiles, tabs, and other new ways of communication, the little ones are fast to pick up these. A child sees, hears and senses all these around and advances fast. One of my Kashmiri friends from Anantanag told me that for his 10th birth day his grandfather presented him with a Britannica Encyclopedia. It was in 1950. He used to see daily the multi-volume-book and that shaped his life. He grew up to become a brilliant student and gentleman. Keeping oneself away from unhealthy conversation and having selective friends help us to become mature persons.
Have recourse to an environment of solitude and peaceful reflection. Enjoy nature, fresh air, sunshine and pleasant walk. Just as we have savings bank accounts which grow gradually by recurring deposits of small amounts, we need to invest in our personal growth. This is done by various ways like getting used to selective reading, having a group of intellectual friends, artists, writers, social workers, etc.
Keep the “dharma”, that is yours. All have the duty/dharma, either assigned to us, or taken up by us. This we see realized in the life of great people like Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, Abraham Lincoln, and so on. Gandhi realized for himself the value of truth. He did everything to be honest to himself before God. He identified truth with God. Besides, for Gandhi Ahimsa was the way of meeting God. Ahimsa is the best weapon before all attacks. He followed the spirituality of Ahimsa in his life. Tagore spent years in solitude and contemplation and his writings are the results of the period. Lincoln was totally committed to the people especially to eradicate slavery in the US.
Total disarmament is same as Ahimsa. In our life we use so many kinds of arms, be it physical, social, intellectual, spiritual and what not. It is easy to understand a person of material arms as we see around us. Even the academic qualifications are being used to show power and to dominate others. This is one kind of arms. Similar is one in the area of spiritual governance as seen in highly established religions like universal church. Not to have any sort of self-defensive arms is a great strength. St Francis Assisi was a patron of disarmament.
Our best days are ahead. In life all people confront problems, difficulties, tensions. As we enter any area of activities, it is bound to have negative barriers. In such periods and eventful days it is best to think that our best days are ahead. We need to be mentally alert, dynamically prepared and joyfully humorous. This is the capsule that keeps the politicians go ahead in spite of terrible failures and crucial problems.