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The Guilty Will Not Be Spared...

Robert Clements Robert Clements
15 Jul 2024

How reassuring it was to hear the Chief Minister of Maharashtra say in a firm voice that the guilty who were involved in the running over and killing of Kaveri Nakhwa 'will not be spared', and the next day, bulldozers were sent to break down the portions of the bar in Juhu that served the guilty Mihir Shah his liquor.

Was breaking down the walls of the pub his keeping of his 'assurance'?

Because sir, that pub owner like every bar owner throughout India, serves liquor to anyone who has money to pay for it. This, because from policemen to officers of any department, most of them have opted for their jobs to make money.

Who, then, is the culprit?

Is it the very ones we have elected to serve us? Should they be held accountable? Watch them before the elections, then see their attitude immediately after; a dramatic change. Suddenly, their humble walk becomes a swagger. Their smile, a smirk, and gentle voice, a roar of foul language.

But, again, we need to look further. Yes, look past the politician and see those who hover around him. You can see them all over, and it doesn't matter if they're from the ruling party or the opposition; these vultures feed on the power generated by the man elected.

However, the difference is that they are not accountable to any voters. They are responsible to nobody, and bully, threaten and coerce into submission anyone in their path.

Yes, Mr Chief Minister, these are your guilty ones.

Look around you as you move from one event to another. They walk beside you, behind you, and sometimes in front of you and feed off your power in sinister and unacceptable ways, as we have just seen.

They are your guilty ones. And I wonder how you will succeed in not 'sparing' them?

Because there's only one way in handling these hanger-on's and that is by standing alone. A true leader, a strong leader doesn't need these henchmen around him or her. He or she has the strength to walk alone, stand alone, and yet not feel alone.

And what about we, the people, asking for justice? Let us stop allowing these fellows to bully us. Stop going through them to get a job done. If you need the help of an elected representative, go directly. You elected him to represent you, and it is his or her duty to be accessible, not through someone else.

The savage road murder, and I can only call it that, and the impunity which with it was done, only shows a weak elected representative, because if it had been a strong man in power, his people would have been the first to be afraid to break the law.

So look in your mirror, sir. Is it that man staring back who should not be spared?

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