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Purify Negative Tendencies

P. A. Joseph P. A. Joseph
20 Nov 2023

The human machines that we are have immense assets and corresponding powers.  In the arena of created realities, human being has the greatest benefits from nature. The human brain comprises 80 trillion electrical cells. Naturally it has numerous parts; and each part is an electrical mechanism which consists of over 10 million cells which generate, receive, record, and transmit energy. These functions are distributed all over the body. The most important is the brain and the nervous system. The functions of these are done through electrical system, and it is marvelous that all the component parts are duly synchronized. 

It is to be specially noted that right from the moment a human being is formed till the final moments of its life, the whole human system is fully in automatic mode. The heart with its blood circulation, nervous systems etc. are functioning in the same way. Similarly the mind functions in the similar pattern with its conscious and sub-conscious ways. Here too all the functions are well coordinated and synchronized. It is a wonder to gauge the working of the conscious and subconscious systems, their mutual supporting, and manifesting as a single life system. The moment the conscious system needs the support and cooperation of the subconscious, it is ready in an automatic mode. 

Scientists have done a lot of study on the mind in its conscious state, but it is only nearly hundred years since study on the sub-conscious field was taken up. This area of study is fast growing. It is interesting to note that even the primitive man (Aborigines of Australia and other primitive tribes) had entered the area of the subconscious mind; this we see in the narration of their so called mystical or hysterical healing practices as we see in today’s centers of many religions, giving high credit to the presence and working of the underworld heroes. Study on the realm of the subconscious mind proves that any healing of the subconscious area cannot be done through other systems with lasting effect. Here we appreciate the enormous service being done by the psychiatric. This is more active in the US and the EU countries. The Gulf countries are yet to enter the field.

After making the above said reflections, it is in place to enter the connected area and approach the practical field. In anything that we approach and deal with, maximum care must be given to the community where we are starting with the family, the primary community. I must start with myself finding out the log in my eyes before searching for the dust in the others’ eye. Negative tendencies like evil feelings, passion, unhealthy tendencies, prejudices, wrong beliefs, etc. are to be accepted and purified in myself in the subconscious level. This must create in me definiteness of purpose, and to be very clear about it; I should not take any excuse under the umbrella of not-knowing the issue, not-knowing the language etc. I must develop accurate reasoning and  logical thinking,  seeing the realm of the conscious and unconscious sphere. I must grow and get rich by autosuggestion; this will be a great healing discovery for me. In practice I must dare to take “extra-mile”.

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