Donald Trump brands them all as criminals
And deports them in shackles and chains
But now the US economy lacks cheap labour
On their farms and factory assembly lines.
Pope Francis holds them close to his heart
Being born of Italian immigrants to Argentina
He knows only too well their perilous trips
And cruel exploitation by predatory agents.
Many Western countries like the UK, Germany, etc
Now rue their too-liberal immigration policies
With the washing in of fanatics and jihadis
Who savagely tear to shreds the native social fabric.
In England, they outnumber native Christians
And go on a planned raping spree of white minors
All over the West, they attack the clergy, burn churches
And boldly battle the weary police in violent riots.
Our great Vishwaguru boasts of a roaring economy
Maybe for the Adanis, the Ambanis and their ilk
But hordes of desperate Indian population flee
And risk all they have to reach the American shores.
The holy family itself fled to Egypt from a raging Herod
And America was born of multiple immigration waves
So, if all immigrants should quit the US, let Trump be the first
And let the decimated native Red Indian people rule.