Last week was Easter. It was also Easter for those fighting the bitter war in Ukraine and the forces from Russia. Also, for the countries who are supplying arms and ammunition that can be used against Russia.
Most probably they declared a ceasefire, for their men to attend church.
Attend church and do what afterwards? Take up their guns and shoot each other to pieces again?
How we have made a mockery of religion. Each and every religion in the world talks about peace and love, and yet we allow ourselves to kill using that same religion we believe in to goad us into hatred for one another.
It was Easter! A day when a man on the cross who died on a Friday rose from the dead, conquering the wicked intentions of evil.
When life won over death!
When love won over hate!
When peace won over war!
When non-violence won over violence!
When same soldiers entered a church last week and lit a candle for the prince of peace, did they come out realizing what hypocrites they’d made of themselves?
And it’s not just the religion of the Orthodox Christians of Ukraine and Russia that are being made a mockery of.
Look at our country. A country where the religion of the majority teaches us to live side by side with each other is now being used by politicians to polarize people into ‘us’ or ‘them’!
And sadly, yes very sadly, all in the name of religion.
Today, a week after Easter as we celebrate the victory of good over evil, using the method of non-violence let us make a vow that for good to triumph we will use methods that good uses. That good does not need violence to make it sit on the throne of righteousness. For good to reign, good methods have to be used.
Like I said at the beginning, it was Easter. It was also Easter for those fighting the bitter war in Ukraine and the forces from Russia. It was also Easter for the countries who though not involved are supplying arms and ammunition that can be used against Russia.
Most probably they declared a ceasefire for soldiers to attend church.
Attend church and do what afterwards? Take up guns and shoot each other to pieces again?
No, we need to realize that these wonderful spiritual teachings whether of Christianity, Hinduism, or any other religion need to be taken out of their hiding places in those same churches and temples, and be marched into our daily lives outside. That the soldier in Ukraine or Russia, or Europe or US, needs to walk outside carrying in him the spirituality inside.
We in our country need to do the same and suddenly we will look at each other as a brother or sister!
Lets work on it and stop being hypocrites..!