1. Jesus was born in a cow shed. Joyful simplicity
2. Mary and Joseph were lost in contemplation, speaking no words. Adoring
3. He had no enjoyable childhood days and playmates. Love children
4. King Herod wanted to kill Jesus, as he was most insecure. Be for life
5. Wise men from the East offered gifts to Jesus. Surrender
6. Joseph and Mary were from the poorest sections. Option for poor
7. All through life Jesus opted for poor life situations. Bear burdens
8. Mary and Joseph were most attuned to the style of Jesus. Compliant
9. Before birth his name was told, Jesus, meaning Emmanuel, God with us. Breathe Jesus
10. His core teaching was to love God and love others. Compassion
11. He insisted that all his disciples should love enemies. Reconcile
12. His hardest teaching was to forgive others. Repentance
13. When Jesus was nailed to the cross, he was silent. Prayer in suffering
14. While dying, He prayed to the Father to forgive offenders. peaceful
15. Jesus, before completing his multiple works, was killed. Do Jesu’s mission
16. Loved to spent time in the bosom of the Father Contemplation
17. Mary accompanied Jesus in his ministry, suffering and even crucifixion. Follow Mary
18. Joseph took the best care for Jesus and Mary. Imitate Joseph
19. Life in Bethlehem, Egypt, Nazareth was of a migrant Live exodus life
20. All the travels were on foot, physical hardships. Tough work
21. Work of a carpenter, hard and dust-filled situation. Bear dust and sweat
22. Jesus kept all together. Communion with all
23. Holy Spirit helping. Spirit to guide
24. Strengthened the disciples. All of one heart
25. Radiant, heavenly glory. Resurrected glorious life