Cover Stories

As I Pass the Baton….

Change is the law of life. Every change in places and positions brings growth in individuals. It lets fresh air into the institutions. It is time for another change of guard in Indian Currents.

Dr Suresh Mathew Dr Suresh Mathew
27 Nov 2023


climate change has been predominantly worsening due to pollution or environmental change originating in human activities is a cause for serious concern.

Aarti Aarti
27 Nov 2023


When I first heard about your imminent transfer and that you will no longer be the Editor of Indian Currents

Cedric Prakash Cedric Prakash
27 Nov 2023

Is there a Christian perspective to Climate Change (CC)? If there isn’t, there should be, because Christians, at least notionally

Chhotebhai Chhotebhai
27 Nov 2023

About two decades ago, senior journalist John Dayal startled the audience when he said that the maximum number of Ph.D. holders

A. J. Philip A. J. Philip
27 Nov 2023

A new divisive agenda has taken hold over India’s most populous state -- Uttar Pradesh – with the government banning halal-certified edible items.

Ram Puniyani Ram Puniyani
27 Nov 2023

In the wake of men’s cricket world cup fever, there are a lot of memes and reactions flooding the digital spaces.

Alwyn D’Souza Alwyn D’Souza
27 Nov 2023

Wearing or honouring a cross reminds a follower of Jesus of his prophetic role. It is not a decoration, but an identity of a true follower of Jesus.

Jacob Peenikaparambil Jacob Peenikaparambil
27 Nov 2023

We live today in challenging times: complexities and contradictions abound everywhere and with them come a whole range of responses and reactions, of apathy and engagement.

Cedric Prakash Cedric Prakash
27 Nov 2023

My whole desire and ambition is to make my life totally successful and glorious. First of all, I must be reasonable in my selection and performance

P. A. Joseph P. A. Joseph
27 Nov 2023

It’s so very easy to take popular sentiment and whip it into a frenzy. Hitler did that. With Germany furious with the world with the terms of the Armistice

Robert Clements Robert Clements
27 Nov 2023